Weolcome to My Blog

Thanks for deciding that my ideas, opinions, and thoughts were worth your time. I love to write. I am actually working on a novel and am quite excited to show the world a part of my heart and soul.
I will be writing an advice blog. This is mostly for girls but it will have some good information guys might want to know about understanding the teenage girl's mind. I am also writing about some of the good times I have had. You would have no idea how crazy a teenager's life can be until you ask them about it.
I am open to comments and advice. If there is anything I am doing well or could do better don't be afraid to tell me. I really appreciate it.
I hope you enjoy my blog. and if you do BECOME A FOLLOWER! I love followers. They are like my favorite. Right up there next to commenter s. So keep on commenting.
ps if you want to see a pic of me, look in my blog archive for: "A pic of me!"

Copyright, theamazingstaci.blogspot.com 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I was recently asked to describe myself in one word. That word was strength. To go through life you have to be able to bear the world's trials, have faith in the Lord and yourself, and learn how to balance emotion and decision. To get through this world you have to bear your cross and help others with the weight of theirs when it seems to get to be too much.. Standing strong does not mean that you don't show weakness, it means you ask for help when you are weak, and are a helping hand; a helping heart for those in need. Strength means loving with all you have, and having the love you need. Strength is not being afraid of what the world throws at you, but getting through it with a bit of hard work and a smile on your face. Don't be afraid of your emotions, change, or trial. Embrace it. To be a strong person you have to have the courage to lead, to stand strong for what you believe even when that belief is questioned. To be strong you need love, and need to give love. Without the foundation of family and friends to keep you held high, you would go crumbling down. So thank you guys. Thanks you for all your love and support, thank you for helping to make me the strong person I am and I hope you know that I am always here for you no matter what. Know I put my heart into these words and that I KNOW they are true. Stay strong.
Copyright, theamazingstaci.blogspot.com 2010


  1. Hey Staci!
    So, I can't read the very first paragraph because the black font blends into the background. Could you fix that please? I want to read it. :) Love you!
    Love Katie

  2. Staci.. This post makes me so proud, and so hopeful for you. I have worried so much about your whole future, and I truly believe you will go places, soo many places. I love you so much!
