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I will be writing an advice blog. This is mostly for girls but it will have some good information guys might want to know about understanding the teenage girl's mind. I am also writing about some of the good times I have had. You would have no idea how crazy a teenager's life can be until you ask them about it.
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Copyright, theamazingstaci.blogspot.com 2010

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cat diaries. Part one?

Week one: I find myself dragged away from my mother and in the paws of a giant, red furred, pale monkey. He walks me to a structure and takes me into it. I scream at him to put me down, and I also scream for my mamma to help get me out of his clutches. Inside the structure he gives me to a much smaller, younger female. She holds me and gives me care and comfort. I learned to love her. Then I was passed on to meet two more humans, obviously the dominants of the pack. I find that chewing on their large, soft paws is much fun but I am still scared. The scariest part of this place is the two wolves that haunt its halls. The largest one, a huge tan creature came up to sniff me and all I could do was shiver in fear until it stopped its assessment of me. I fell asleep in the arms of the young female, completely accepting her as my surrogate mother.

Week two: I have grown to love it here. Free food, love, and there is another cat here. She hates me and won't let me get too close yet but I intend to get close enough to learn from her. I have no cat mother, only a human mother they call Staci, and the other mother is Staci's mom. The big dog is now gone, which my Staci seems heart broken about so I try to cheer her up by attacking her feet as she walks and ripping up her cords. I am now forced to eat dry cat food as well as the crappy mix and heat stuff that is the replacement for my mother's milk. I miss my mom but I am learning a lot and the humans are kind, but they tend to spray me with water whenever I attack things I'm not supposed to or get on things they don't like me sinking my claws into.

this has been a diary entry or two by my kitten monster. This is his perspective on life and I thought it would be enjoyable by cat lovers every where. Stay Amazing. ;)
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