Weolcome to My Blog

Thanks for deciding that my ideas, opinions, and thoughts were worth your time. I love to write. I am actually working on a novel and am quite excited to show the world a part of my heart and soul.
I will be writing an advice blog. This is mostly for girls but it will have some good information guys might want to know about understanding the teenage girl's mind. I am also writing about some of the good times I have had. You would have no idea how crazy a teenager's life can be until you ask them about it.
I am open to comments and advice. If there is anything I am doing well or could do better don't be afraid to tell me. I really appreciate it.
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ps if you want to see a pic of me, look in my blog archive for: "A pic of me!"

Copyright, theamazingstaci.blogspot.com 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010


So I have been going through one of the hardest things since Julia died. I am losing my other sibling. Kelly hates me (for a stupid reason I am not about to share with the world.) and he said I am no longer his sister. That hurts. I have already lose one sibling but now the one I have left hates me and won't even let me talk to him. I cry at night, and put on my brave face when he is around. It is really sad that I actually want him to move out. He was there for me when I needed him but now when he needs me he refuses to let me be his shoulder to lean on. My friends would never understand, they don't know what it is like to lose both a sister and a brother in the space of two years. What is wrong with me? Am I really that bad of a little sister? I don't want to feel left alone in this big scary world but it seems like I have no other choice. I care so much about my brother and he is making all these stupid choices and I can't do anything but watch him crash and burn. His whole life seems to have done a dive bomb within just a few months. After Julia died he has not been the same and it worries me.They were closer than an atom and an electron. Maybe I am being overly dramatic but this is not something I have wanted. I feel like it is up to me to graduate for my parents and be there for them since my other two siblings can't be or refuse to be. That is a lot of stress to put on my shoulders not to mention juggling my personal life, my academic life, my home life, and soon my work life. I know my parents are doing the best they can for both me and Kelly but sometimes the stress just gets to be too much. I feel as if my head will explode if I have to take on one more responsibility. Pray for me, and him. Love you guys. Please I am in need of advice. Comments are encouraged, just not questions.

1 comment:

  1. Staci, I'm sorry. You're right, I can't understand. But I still want to help. I can't give much, but I'll give what I can. I love you!
