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Thanks for deciding that my ideas, opinions, and thoughts were worth your time. I love to write. I am actually working on a novel and am quite excited to show the world a part of my heart and soul.
I will be writing an advice blog. This is mostly for girls but it will have some good information guys might want to know about understanding the teenage girl's mind. I am also writing about some of the good times I have had. You would have no idea how crazy a teenager's life can be until you ask them about it.
I am open to comments and advice. If there is anything I am doing well or could do better don't be afraid to tell me. I really appreciate it.
I hope you enjoy my blog. and if you do BECOME A FOLLOWER! I love followers. They are like my favorite. Right up there next to commenter s. So keep on commenting.
ps if you want to see a pic of me, look in my blog archive for: "A pic of me!"

Copyright, theamazingstaci.blogspot.com 2010

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friend Zoned.

Holy crap I cannot describe to you how much I hate the friend zone and how much it sucks being and putting people in the friend zone. Most people are a wee bit fuzzy on the definition of Le Friend Zone so here is my definition: "Being closed minded about a person; not wanting to ever see a person as more than a friend." Ghetto right? It so sucks having to put people in the friend zone cause you feel bad and there is always that little voice in the back of your mind nagging at you saying stuff like "You never know what might come of being open minded to this person as a love interest." and "He is so sweet and amazing, why do we want to keep him as just a friend?" (Yes I am talking about the voices in my head. You can't hear them too? Sucks to be you!) That regret makes a lot of woman be very cautious about friend zoning, but for guys it is like this: "She is nice but she doesn't have a hot body. Friend Zoned!" or "She is pretty but her personality is a bit strange, Friend Zone!" as well as "Oh, she is way too into me, I don't know if I like that...Friend Zone!" Keep in mind I am just generalizing it and not all guys are like this, and not all guys are as quick to friend zone as I am making it out to be. (Some guys can't afford to friend zone anyone...but we love them as friends any way :D) ha ha ha that face looks like it has a double chin. That is okay, we like fat faces. -seeing as how I have one...- I am getting off subject here...Oh right, Le Friend Zone. I hate being in the friend zone more than I could ever admit it. I am a person who is totally open to any guy I talk to-save for the creepy stalker vibe guys who talk about my mom's new blouse and how upset they were to see I skipped breakfast. This has happened to me before I kid you not...-Friend Zoning someone is not always a bad thing, it does have good consequences such as: keeping a friendship alive when it would've dwindled otherwise, attempting to not break somebody's heart and soul (note that I said attempt...), and finally it keeps a relationship from moving faster that you are comfortable with. Also it ties into my theory of how your boyfriend should be your best friend in order for Y'all to really connect...( I will get into that in another post another time. I think I have before...Let me know if I have already written that post, I don't want to sound like a broken record.) So here is my stance on friend zoning someone: If it is for their own good, and your mental stability, go for it, however if it is for any other reason than to save someone's feelings, it is not a good thing. Keep that in mind before you stamp someone's forehead with the big FZ stamp. (This post has been so grammatically incorrect I am ashamed of myself but it is late, I am tired, and you understand the concept I am trying to explain so I don't really care tonight. If you have a problem with it, feel free to edit it and I will re-post your edit.) Stay Amazing ;)    ( I have a question. Do you guys not get that I put the background as a bunch of little homemade chickens cause they're "peeps" and I am talkin bout the friend zone? that is why there are little yellow chickens.)
Copyright, theamazingstaci.blogspot.com 2011

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