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Thanks for deciding that my ideas, opinions, and thoughts were worth your time. I love to write. I am actually working on a novel and am quite excited to show the world a part of my heart and soul.
I will be writing an advice blog. This is mostly for girls but it will have some good information guys might want to know about understanding the teenage girl's mind. I am also writing about some of the good times I have had. You would have no idea how crazy a teenager's life can be until you ask them about it.
I am open to comments and advice. If there is anything I am doing well or could do better don't be afraid to tell me. I really appreciate it.
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ps if you want to see a pic of me, look in my blog archive for: "A pic of me!"

Copyright, theamazingstaci.blogspot.com 2010

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Personality: What is it? Where do we get it? There are like a hundred or so explanations that I know of-I know like everything..not to be arrogant or anything...oh shut up it is part of my personality and if you have a problem with it I will cut you like the heartless demon you are!-and it seems like even though they say everyone has a unique personality it also seems like they are saying we don't. They group our "Types" of personalities in all sorts of tests and "signs" like horoscopes and stuff. It is like they are telling you that yes, you are special but there are billions of people like you. Confused? So am I. But, I do have a theory of where you get your personality, like, how it forms, what causes the little defects. Your personality is based on a few things: Background, Values, and the situations you've been in so let's call it...Experience.
BACKGROUND: How you are raised affect how you react to situations, thus affecting your personality. For example, a little kid who was raised getting everything they have ever thought about wanting will not react well to you not letting him/her having something whereas a child who is used to being told no and hasn't always gotten what they want will not freak out but will probably just be a little melancholy. You are affected by the morals and the things your parents not only taught you, but have shown you by example. A kid who was raised with a father who worked hard and was very successful is more likely to be pushed both personally and by that father to do well in his career and life. A father who never even tried to succeed in life is not as likely to push their kid, however there are some cases where that patent will see their own shortcomings and push the child to do better than they did. Your background has a lot to do with your personality.
VALUES: Your values have a lot to do with your background. The things you were raised to value usually stay your values, for example a kid who is taught to value money because their family does not have much of it is more likely to value it more that a child who was raised with more than enough money. What you value says a lot about you. There are two different kinds of values, worldly values like a watch that has been past down throughout your families history, and then there is your spiritual values such as faith, love, family commitment, pride, knowledge, companionship, integrity, and so on. This is a kind I personally have more of. I care about honesty, loyalty, truth, love, freedom, and so forth. The things you value say a lot about who you are and what your personality is, for example, a homeless man will value money and food in his top values, and a rich man with a family is more likely to value family, loyalty, honesty, and so on. We are all different in the way we see things and that is just another aspect of your personality.
EXPERIENCE: The trials and the blessings you have experienced in life change you. For instance, my sister dying has taught me to love those around me more openly and often, and my education has taught me that knowledge is something to not only value, but to pass on. What we have been through in our lives not only helps to shape who we are as a person, but also helps us to understand and commit ourselves to the things we believe to be important. Think about a bad experience and what it has taught you, what you've gotten out of it and how that has helped you to work towards the person you are today, and the person you want to be tomorrow. Now think of a good experience and how it has taught you to value what you value and how it has affected the way you look at things. A personal story of mine is when me and a friend where watching this video and she started laughing, whereas I started to cry. When she asked me why I was crying I told her this, "Tears are just your bodies way of trying to show the world your soul. I am crying because this video has moved me, made me want to be a better person, whereas you are laughing because you have no other idea how to react." She was speechless. -Why yes, I am a crazy philosopher in real life situations and not just in my writing. ;) -
So keep on valuing what you value and remember this, yes there are people out there with personalities like yours, but none of them think exactly like you do, nor have they been through exactly what you have been through, so there is no way anyone can have the same personality as you do. The definition of personality -well my definition- is this: The way you react to a situation and how you respond to the world. So guys, keep those amazing personalities shining and learn from how you live and what life tries to teach you. I only hope you're listening. Stay amazing =)

1 comment:

  1. Wow Girly.. Deep stuff... I'll have to read it again to get the full meaning I think. =D keep wrting!
