Weolcome to My Blog

Thanks for deciding that my ideas, opinions, and thoughts were worth your time. I love to write. I am actually working on a novel and am quite excited to show the world a part of my heart and soul.
I will be writing an advice blog. This is mostly for girls but it will have some good information guys might want to know about understanding the teenage girl's mind. I am also writing about some of the good times I have had. You would have no idea how crazy a teenager's life can be until you ask them about it.
I am open to comments and advice. If there is anything I am doing well or could do better don't be afraid to tell me. I really appreciate it.
I hope you enjoy my blog. and if you do BECOME A FOLLOWER! I love followers. They are like my favorite. Right up there next to commenter s. So keep on commenting.
ps if you want to see a pic of me, look in my blog archive for: "A pic of me!"

Copyright, theamazingstaci.blogspot.com 2010

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Today my dad was home when I got home from school. I was doing homework in my room and he comes in and gives me a list of chores to do. I groaned and stood up to go do them when he added one more thing to the list. "Oh, and there are a bunch of boxes in the back of the truck I need you to carry in." He said as he goes into his room. I looked at him and asked, "What are in the boxes?" with curiosity burning through me. He simply answers, "Go find out." Giving him a suspicious look and a thoughtful "Hhhmmm..." I went to go do the strange request first. When I got outside I opened up the back of the truck to find a huge flat full of nothing more than my favorite food in the world. Yogurt. I freaked out and and took in the crates with a series of girlie giggling and jumping. While I was in the middle of a victory dance in the kitchen I start singing all these different love songs I know like "Pocket full of sunshine" and varies others but replacing the lyrics to make them about yogurt. Made me whole month. My dad is an amazing person. Thanks Daddy, for doing stuff like this just cause you can. You are what makes plane old Staci, The Amazing Staci.
Now boys, I know you may be asking yourself, "How do I win The Amazing Staci's heart?" Well I will tell you how. Give me yogurt. Simple as that. Oh and be kind, have good morals, and make me laugh. Happy Valentine's day my Earthlets. ^_^ Stay Amazing.


  1. I love frozen yogurt. It is amazing. Any yogurt is good. Not a fan of vanilla though. It is too plane for my tastes.
