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I will be writing an advice blog. This is mostly for girls but it will have some good information guys might want to know about understanding the teenage girl's mind. I am also writing about some of the good times I have had. You would have no idea how crazy a teenager's life can be until you ask them about it.
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Copyright, theamazingstaci.blogspot.com 2010

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A little bit of hurt

Pain. It is simply part of life, is it not? Whether that hurt is mental, physical, emotional, or whatever else, we all have felt pain. As a good friend always seems to remind me: "Pain is just weakness leaving the body." -A.S. I love that quote, gives me a little comfort, and a lot of motivation and optimism. (we could all use a little more of that. =) We all have felt hurt, whether it was a little cut, or a busted heart, we all know pain. What first comes to your mind when you think of pain? (Leave that as a comment.) If we know what it is like to feel pain, why do we intentionally inflict it on other people? (I say this as someone who just made a teenage boy, older than me by two years, cry.) Why do we make other people hurt when we're hurting? Is it that we just instinctively want people to feel the same way we do? Or is it that we subconsciously want to see them hurt to make ourselves feel better? Whatever the reason, it is not cool. I know I was in the wrong in making that (Stupid, rude, insensitive, lying, butt-muncher, with a fricking bad attitude...) guy cry, but I did it anyway. Why? I think it was that he hurt me mentally and he hurt my pride, so I had to hurt him emotionally. (I still think he's a jerk.) I know I was not in the right to go and do that, yet I did. Well anyway, back on subject, Pain is not a bad thing. Without pain we would not learn that playing with fire is bad, we would not learn how to properly control our emotions, and we would not fathom what it means to be happy. Pain is a tool of learning. It teaches us things that verbal lessons cannot. You can warn and warn a friend that she is going to get her heart broken, yet she still won't listen. She has to feel the pain of that heartbreak for the lesson to actually sink in. Are we, as a species, really that stupid? I think we are in someways, and not in others. (But I'm not about to get into that right now..) Pain teaches us the boundaries of life, it tells us when there is something wrong so we can fix it, for example: When you are bleeding from the head, it hurts a lot so that you can do something to fix it before you bleed to death. Pain should not be the only means or method of teaching a person things, but it is a major and valuable tool to teach people right from wrong. Why do you think we feel guilt? That is a form of pain telling us something we did was not right and we should fix it or fess up to it. Now that we've learned what pain is, we can use it to our advantage. We can learn how not to end up hurt at the end of a relationship, we can learn how to endure pain to reach a goal. We can use pain like the Jedi use it. Accept it and move on, fix it and let it heal, and thank it for doing its job. So in short: Accept and be open to the lesson a little bit of hurt has to offer. Only a moron would play with fire twice.

357-There are 200 Starbucks in London, but only forty-four in Starbucks’ home city of Seattle.
Oh how I love irony. Makes me smile, makes me laugh, makes me bit my tongue in half. (Yeah, I just came up with that. BOOHYA!) I love coffee. I know it is not very Mormon girl of me, but I have a huge, passion for the stuff. I am not the only one. Almost everyone (I said ALMOST) I know who is not LDS, loves coffee. The smell, the taste, the feel, everything. Well that is about it for now. Stay Amazing. =)

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