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I will be writing an advice blog. This is mostly for girls but it will have some good information guys might want to know about understanding the teenage girl's mind. I am also writing about some of the good times I have had. You would have no idea how crazy a teenager's life can be until you ask them about it.
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Copyright, theamazingstaci.blogspot.com 2010

Sunday, March 27, 2011


"A world away can be fixed by a simple memory."
-Staci Lyn
I love that quite, I recently found it in my notes, and I think it has a special meaning.  No matter where the other person is, no matter how far, they can be right there with you, just by thinking about them, and a time past. While I'd much rather have them there with me, when that can't happen, it is good to be able to rely on a memory to help you feel close to them. I have a close family member that has moved out of town that I miss dearly, and it is always nice to feel close to him by looking through pictures, thinking about some of my favorite memories, and just thinking about him. You can live a world apart, but still be closer than a metal bond just by thinking about each other, also with today's technology, you can still stay in touch. All you need is a little plastic device, and the right series of numbers. =) Well that is about it...I forgot to write yesterday, so I'm going to put up two facts. Yay for yous. =)

359-Google’s original name was BackRub.
That is so random. Like where the crap did that even come from? BackRub? Why would you name a search engine that? People are so stupid! I love Google, without it, I would probably not be a writer. And my grades would suck like a friggin vacuum. BackRub? Just, wow. I wonder what genius decided that they should rename it Google. I want to give them a hug. Stupid BackRub....just GRR.
360-One blue whale weighs about the same as forty rhinos.
Well, blue whales are fatties. It is sad but true. Like they are giant critters. Rhinos are so cute! Have you ever seen a baby rhino? It is life changing. Can you imagine forty rhinos? Like in your house? Um...wow. That is a lot of weight. You know, despite what people say, blue whales are not the largest living creature in the world. That would be the great barrier reef. It is huge, it is alive, and it is ninja. So, people should get their facts straight before they go off on something they don't understand. Well that is all for today. I love you peoples and your eyeballs. (Don't ask.) Stay Amazing. =)

1 comment:

  1. Backrub! WTM!!!!!! (yes Maelstrom)Google is so much better =) Can you imagine it would be R-mail instead of Gmail.. or even worse... Rubmail.... =O The horror.

    Memory is a powerful thing. Yes it can make you feel like your with someone, which is often amazing. It can also keep you from doing the same dumb thing all over again. =) I love your posts Stac. They keep me thinking =D
