Weolcome to My Blog

Thanks for deciding that my ideas, opinions, and thoughts were worth your time. I love to write. I am actually working on a novel and am quite excited to show the world a part of my heart and soul.
I will be writing an advice blog. This is mostly for girls but it will have some good information guys might want to know about understanding the teenage girl's mind. I am also writing about some of the good times I have had. You would have no idea how crazy a teenager's life can be until you ask them about it.
I am open to comments and advice. If there is anything I am doing well or could do better don't be afraid to tell me. I really appreciate it.
I hope you enjoy my blog. and if you do BECOME A FOLLOWER! I love followers. They are like my favorite. Right up there next to commenter s. So keep on commenting.
ps if you want to see a pic of me, look in my blog archive for: "A pic of me!"

Copyright, theamazingstaci.blogspot.com 2010

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nameless writing thingy.

I'm not sure what to call this, or what it even is. I wrote it today. I like it a lot. Feel free to listen to what it says. love you peoples. Let me know what you think.
"I see that glint in your eyes and I know what you're thinking. I see the way your steps falter, and I know what you're feeling. I listen to the way your heart speeds up, and I know that you're scared. I feel the way your tears stream down your face, and I know that pain. I hear your voice crack, and watch you look down in shame. I know everything you think I'm missing, I'm seeing all that your trying to hide. It is like hiding who you are behind a wall of glass. Your emotions cause me to hurt just the same as they do to you. You have no idea that i know, you have no idea just how much your feelings show. I know you won't listen to me if I tell you I'm here for you. I know you won't want to hear it. I know that you're in denial, not wanting to admit it. I have walked in your shoes. In fact, I have run miles in them. I know exactly how that situation was to me, but I must admit I am not you, so I have no way to know the difference. However, I do have a lot of experience. I just want you to know that there is someone out there who cares. Someone watching you struggle, and dying to help. Wanting to reach out, not to let you go. I want you to know that my heart is always open, and my shoulder is always warm. You may think I don't care, but that is because you've been hiding too long behind that hair. I miss how things used to be. I miss seeing you smile without the pain in your eyes. I miss listening to your laugh without hearing it forced. I want you to be happy, I want you to see, I am always here for you whenever you have need, and I know right now I know your need is great. I know that you feel you have to wait, try to let the tears dry, try to not let me see you cry. It is pointless. I've already seen it all, seen it in your eyes, so you might as well tell me, I won't judge. I am always waiting for you to embrace my hug. Always wanting to stop you from the fall. You may not see your own value, but that is because you have no idea how valuable you are to me. I want you to see that life is worth living, I want to show all that you're missing. I want to dry your tears forever, not just for today. I want you to run to me, not hide in dismay. I love you, you idiot. Life is moving on with or without you and I sure don't want you to miss it. I'm your best friend, or just the girl willing to hold your hand. Whatever you want to call me, just make sure that you know me. You don't have to love me, to know I care. You don't even have to know me, just know I'm here. I am comfort. I am without any other name. I know you don't want to admit it, but there is someone out there other than myself who cares. They're just scared to let it show, afraid of how you'll act if you know. Stop focusing on your own pain, and listen to someone else's for a change. You'll soon see, there is a lot of reasons to be happy. For once, just listen to me!!"
 Stay Amazing. =)

333-Only about 3% of all mammals are monogamous.
Not even sure what that means...but I think it is a bad thing.....???
334-There are more American $100 dollar bills in Russia than in the US.
Lol, I can see this fact making people go crazy and talk about how it is Russian plot to over throw our government by making us poor or something stupid like that. I think it is entertaining to see that they have more of OUR money. Hmmm...Obama, I think you have some explaining to do....

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